Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rainy Day Activities

One evening last week, Tab's preschool put on a rainy days activity night for the kids. I took Tab and Benton and they both thoroughly enjoyed it.

Here are Tab and Benton making their marble paint art. You just tape a piece of paper inside a pizza box. You drop marbles into some paint and then drop them on the paper and close the box and shake it around. It was cool. They are both so proud of their artwork. Jason is just waiting for me to pick up new frames for them.Tab made a colored pasta necklace and Benton made a bracelet. Benton wears his bracelet EVERY day. He just loves that thing.Here is Tab and Miss Karleen working on his bracelet.
They had a lot of fun. I'm sure glad that we went.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Tab has a pair of jeans with the adjustable waist on them. The elastic pieces always seem to stick out of his waist band on them. Well one day he came home from preschool and I noticed that the button holes had all been cut through. I asked him what happened and he just matter of factly stated that a certain girl in his class had cut it with scissors. At first I was ticked at that girl, she's known for a little trouble and who in the world cuts someone's clothes. But then I took a breath and was mad at Tab because who in the world stands there and allows someone else to cut their clothing. Alas, I refused to bid goodbye to these pants, hello, I have another little boy who is going to need to wear them yet. So, I decided to see how well my mending stitch on my sewing machine would work on them. It isn't pretty but he has worn them twice scince I fixed them and they are holding up so far.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Gotta love those morning snuggles!

Probably about every other day, I get two little boys who climb into my bed in the morning to get their morning snuggles. This is the ONLY time I get snuggles from Tab. Jason helped me document the moment. I love it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Down for the Count!

One day last week Benton was having a particularly hard time with nap time. I'm not one to allow that, so I just let him work it out in his room. When I sneaked in later to get some laundry, this is how I found him. Poor kid finally gave up on the floor. At least he had his trusty giraffe for company.

Monday, April 20, 2009

An Obsession

Recently all of the boys around here have become obsessed with Bakugan Balls. Tab has never seen the show that these are created from, as I believe most of the other boys haven't. He just loves these things to death. They are freaking expensive though. He has a nice friend who gave him one and then he was saving his money for another. He finally had enough money and bought a 3 pack of them. So what did he do, kept two for himself and let Benton pick the one that he wanted. He can really be a sweet brother sometimes. The problem lies in that he is obsessed with them. He carries one or more around in his pocket at all times....that is until recently. He had been doing pretty good about putting them up when he had to go to preschool or someplace else that we didn't want him to take them. About a week ago we finally had had it with the freaking out that occurred when Benton would touch one of his or when we made him put them away, etc. When he went to bed one night they all mysteriously disappeared. He was ecstatic on Sunday morning when Dad "found" one of them after he had been behaving particularly well. We'll see how long it lasts.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Outfits!

So I just had to post pictures of the boys in their Easter outfits. They looked so much more grown up in their outfits, it almost makes me not want to put them on them again...almost.

I forgot to take a picture before church and by the time they got home they were both hungry and tired so not only do you get pictures of their cute outfits but you get to see what loveliness we deal with every Sunday after church.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Children's Opera

Have I mentioned that we love Truman University? Well, we do. They recently had a Children's Opera. It was really fun. It was perfectly designed. It was about 30 minutes long, so just right for their attention spans.The people playing the instruments had strings and such attached to their wrists as if they were puppets. It was really cute. Towards the end they brought a bunch of kids up on the stage to dance around and play some of the shaker percussion instruments. It was neat. Tab didn't go up with that group, but they let all of the kids come up afterwords and run around and play.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Birdhouses at Home Depot!

If you hadn't caught that we love the Home Depot projects at our house, you are obviously behind the times. Just Tab and I went this month. We made a cool bird house. He insisted on taking the picture while looking from the back (which is clear plexiglass) through the hole. Tab's favorite part was probably putting the screws in.He is really excited for Jason to help him hang it up outside.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Head Start Field Trip

Recently Tab's preschool class went on a field trip to the local Conservation Center. I was able to arrange babysitting and met him there. He was so excited for me to be able to go on his field trip with him without Benton. We had a lot of fun there. He really enjoyed looking at the birds outside through the binoculars. When I told him to hold them up for a picture, he put them up backwards...whatever...he's too cute.And a great class picture with his teacher.

Monday, April 13, 2009


We had a fun weekend. Saturday morning there was an Easter egg "hunt", aka the lawn was littered with eggs, that SAA put together. They had the cutest little lamb there. Benton was a much bigger fan than Tab was.Benton carried his bucket around like this pretty much the entire time. It was hilarious.
Here he is patiently waiting for them to let him have at the eggs.Tab enjoyed picking up the eggs on the ground. After picking up a few on the ground, I made him look for some of the ones that were actually hidden. He didn't think it was as fun to actually have to hunt for them.Benton on the other hand took his time looking for just the right eggs.After this, we went to a community hunt at Truman University. It was a lot of fun last year, so we decided to swing over. They had the Easter Bunny there and the school's mascot. Tab was really interested in the Easter bunny guy until we got close. Benton was kind of terrified. Can't blame the kids. He is kinda freaky looking.Here are the boys this afternoon with their baskets. Poor kids got pretty pathetic baskets. Other than some candy, Tab's had a book in it. Good thing they don't care and were happy with the candy.
We had stake conference today, so no Easter outfits. Don't worry, I'll take pics of them next week and post them.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Project

I have recently been feeling a little guilty about not spending enough quality time "doing stuff" with the boys. I am not the kind of mom who can sit down and play with her kids for hours on end. It makes me crazy. I have to be doing "something" with them. So I found this idea in Family Fun magazine and since we already had all of the stuff, we went for it. We made these cute Easter Egg Animals.Tab was so proud of them. He wanted so badly to take them to school to show his teacher.
He had so much fun playing with them that the next day he wanted to add more "friends", so we made a zebra...which turned out looking like a cat and a pathetic bunny rabbit. Oh well...he still loved them.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Better Late than Never!

So a few weeks ago I had a birthday. It was laid back and chill, just how I like it. The night before my birthday Jason had be open my gifts. Here was the pile.He had me a little nervous that he went way way over budget for a minute. In one of the big boxes was this.Pardon the cheesy grin, but is it really possible to take a decent picture of yourself? He made that cute flower for me out of a bunch of my scrapbook paper and a pipe cleaner. Honestly, I love it almost as much as my other gift. Speaking of the rest of the stack. They were all part of the same thing, just wrapped separately. Jason got me the pasta maker that I had been wanted for a while. The man knows that he can always win by getting me something new for the kitchen!I broke it out the very next day and cleaned it and used it to make pasta that we ate that night. Yummy! I've made pasta a ton of times before the old fashioned way with a rolling pin and such and almost can't believe I ever did such a I am in heaven with my machine. And after a while Jason saw a drying rack online and went out and got the stuff to make me one! What a sweetheart. He complained about it not being perfect because he didn't have the right tools to make it, but it will work great and I love it! Thanks sweetheart, you rock my world!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

A Big Boy Bed!

We transferred Benton into a big boy bed about a week ago. He gets into the bed through the hole in the ladder, funny kid.He thought it was pretty fun at first.He even willingly laid down and got under his covers. He was happy about the situation until we turned out the lights and left. The first night was pretty rough getting him to stay in the bed. He finally fell asleep in front of his door and we transferred him to the bed later. Luckily he adjusted quickly. One of the hardest parts now is getting him to stay in bed if he wakes up at night or too early in the morning. Another hard part is this...They realized that this is a "fun" setup. Tab actually fell out of bed a few nights ago because he was leaning over his rail trying to see Benton as they were goofing off and laughing. Poor boy didn't get much sympathy. I know I'm a mean mom, but consequences are consequences.

Nap time is also a little frustrating. I'm not sure what it is about changing to the big bed, but he has cut his nap time almost in half and it isn't nearly enough for him or me. So by bedtime he is exhausted and cranky. Sigh...

Monday, April 06, 2009

Fun Run 2009

Every year the SAA puts together a 5K/10K/1 mile/Kid's Run. It was held this past Saturday. My fabulous friend, Aimee was in charge of it this year with a ton of help from Gentri too. Jason, Tab and I each ran.

Here is Jason finishing up the 10K. Poor guy had to take his gloves off and run with them in his pocket as it started to warm up during the race. I was proud of him.Sorry, no pictures of me finishing, as I ran the 5K I finished first so Jason wasn't there to take any pictures. I finished in 29:26, so nothing spectacular, but I won't complain seeing as I'm 31 weeks. Here we both are at the finish line.This is sort of a random picture but it is of my really good friend Mel finishing the 10K. I post it because she is such an inspiration to me. She totally helps me get the mental game on. Thanks for the goods runs and Good job!Here is Tab getting ready for the kids run.And they're off.Here is a picture of one of Tab's best friends finishing! Way to go Alex.Tab walking. He wasn't too happy about how long his run turned out to be. I think it is something like .4 is my boy. He finished dead last and crying and I couldn't be more proud. The funny thing is about an hour or two after the run he told me he wanted to go do his run again. What a silly kid.