I know, I know, I know...I've been a crappy blogger lately and I'm sorry. My kids have just been an extreme handful lately and expend all of my energy. By the time they are in bed I don't have energy left to do my blogging. I'll try to do better...maybe.
Over Labor Day weekend we went to visit some family in St. Joseph. And what to do on Labor day weekend but go to the Beach! We had a blast. Little Miss Paisley showing her pasty whiteness that she inherited from her mom.

Here is the biggest boy of all playing in the sand. It was hard to keep him from melting down each time that Benton smashed part of his castle.

Jason finally wised up and put the boys to work. Benton was dumping water in the moat for Jason to use in building the castle.

Tab helped out too.

When the high tide started coming in, the boys dug a deep moat around the castle and turned the castle into an island. Then they enjoyed tromping around the island.

Benton started to get a little too comfortable and started wandering into the water so Jason took him out. He loved it. It was freezing!

See, I was there too. Those are my feet that Tab is burying.

The day we were there, a fountain opened up about a block from the beach. We decided that it would be perfect for getting all of the sand off of the boys before getting in the car.

This little town also happens to have a train that runs through it, right by the beach, twice a day. We just happened to be there at the right time.

Tab was elated.