Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Headed Home

I think that no matter where I live and no matter how long I live there Pennsylvania will always be home. Friday afternoon we are packing up and driving the 16+ hours to Pennsylvania to visit my family for Thanksgiving. There are so many things I look forward to when going home and as I think about it they are quite weird. So to get some of my excitement out so I don't go crazy over the next few days, here are a few things I'm looking forward to.

My mom's crazy messy sewing room: My mom always lets me pick a pattern or project or whatever to work on. And she helps me make it. Did I mention that she always just happens to always have the perfect fabric just sitting around? She is seriously amazing.

Roots: Prounounced with the best Pennsylvania Dutch accent you can muster. Every Tuesday in Lancaster there is a huge farmer's market type of thing. I LOVE this place. They have all sort of booths with people selling their produce and various wares. And in the evening they have an auction-a food auction. I love going to this with my mom and sisters. I'm always way too nervous to bid for some reason. But I love watching my mom do it. And I love the randomness of what we end up taking home with us.

Gabriel Brothers: This store seriously rocks. They sell clothes from all different stores that for one reason or another didn't quite make the cut to end up in that actual store. So they are generally cheap! I'm talking Limited, Express, Aeropostale, Abercrombie, The Children's Place, Gap etc. etc. etc.

D & K: This is a surplus grocery store. (Read: An old, semi-dirty, hole in the wall, tiny aisles, freaking cool store). Another cheap cheap cheap store. They get in some of the most random things. It is fun!

Fall: Fall is gorgeous in PA. I can't wait! I'm seriously jumping up and down at the thought of it. The crisp air, the leaves, the smell, mmmmmm (deep inhale)... oh the smell.

Wood Stove: I love my parents wood stove. It is the smell and feeling and and and...it is home.

Martin's Potato Chips: You can't buy these out west. Ok... I guess that I am technically in the mid-west now. What are they, you ask? Only the best Kettle Cooked potato chips in the world.

Really do I need to go on to demonstrate how much I love it or how excited I am to go home? Because let's be honest, I could go on all day and night and the next day.


  1. Anonymous11:53 PM

    You said it! Waaah! I'm whining now. I envy you so much. I can't wait to go back to PA. Who knows when that will be.

  2. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Oh my gosh! I found a new discount grocery store we just have to go to. It's BB's in Quarryville. If we go a different way to Roots (pronounced Ruts) we can go on the way!! Can't wait for you to get here!! Love, Mom

  3. Hooray for going home! I haven't been back to PA for almost 6 years, mostly because I'm pretty sure that if I went back I'd never leave =), well and because my fam doesn't live there anymore...

  4. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I love how you don't mention me anywhere in there...or visiting old teachers...or playing settler's...or anything else that i would come back home for...

  5. Anonymous4:21 AM

    I thought you tagging along to split wood for us and to play in Dad's workshop?! Oh by the way- he's bidding on a jointer. He hopes to get you and Matt to help pick it up while you're here. Another toy/equipment for the shop.

  6. Anonymous5:34 PM

    That is one cute kid. You guys are awesome and we miss you alot. Look forward to seeing you sometime in the future. God Bless. Que pasa heuvo!
