Saturday, March 08, 2008

Just call me Picaso

Tab just loves painting. About a month or so a go we bought Tab some paints because he was driving us crazy by being bored and stuck in the house all winter. So the other day we were trying to mix it up by breaking out the paints. He spent about 45 minutes painting and then came back to it later in the day for about another 30 minutes. I was in heaven. I think he had a good time too.
The Concentration...
Who can refuse a cheesy grin?And do I really need an excuse to post another cute picture? Actually, here he is sounding out his name. He has really been working hard to figure out how letters make words. I have a feeling that we are going to have a breakthrough any day.And the masterpiece in it's completed form.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Let's call up the Louvre!

  2. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Tab and Cam should be twins with their crazy cowlicks in the front

  3. I agree with Jason...

  4. Anonymous6:59 PM

    looks like he is taking after boomps!
    Mom Crellin
