Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Child of God

Tab loves us to sing to him and he is really starting to sing with us. Sometimes I'll come into the room to find him singing to Benton. So I convinced him to sing for the camera so that I could share it with all of you.


  1. i was totally cringing as he's walking backwards toward the ironing board... visualizing him knocking the board over and burning himself...

    cute kid, i just have an overactive imagination.

  2. Wow, he is great! I love his little voice. I was freaking out about the iron also! I will have to show the daycard kids tomorrow, they miss him. See ya, Susan

  3. funny, I didn't even notice the iron. Shows you how great a mom I am.
    He did really good!

  4. He's such a cute little singer! I love the intermittent prompts from you to help him with the'd find the same thing on every video I've taken of Carter singing. So cute!

  5. Too cute! It is amazing how these simple little things are the best right now!!

  6. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Remind me to tell you of your brother Matt and an ironing board--
    Absolutely precious singing from my Grandson- loved it.
    Again- had to come to Lissa's to be able to see it :(
