Friday, April 25, 2008

"You're Underdressed"

Tab and I were playing with his dress up clothes the other day. We had a blast. He is really into the whole make believe thing and it is just so cute. Anyway, as I was saying we were playing dressup. He wanted to be the police officer and wanted me to be the "fire engine man". So I played along. And yes, I'm aware that I look like a freak in a 2 year olds dress up costume. But really I couldn't say no.Tab really enjoyed learning how to use the handcuffs. Although I think he got a little annoyed that Benton wouldn't play along and keep his hands inside them. I told him that police use them to take people to jail. I told him that he had to tell people that they were under arrest when he put the cuffs on them. So I would put them on me and Jason and tell us, "You're underdressed mommy!" I was too cute. I just couldn't correct him.

Tab has also started to really enjoy playing with Benton from time to time. We just happened to catch a picture of one of those times. Tab let Benton wear his police hat so that he could play too. Isn't he a cutie? (And yes Alissa, I know he has "ear bangs". I've finally consented to trimming them.)


  1. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Better to be underdressed than under duress...

  2. goodbye ear bangs!
