Sunday, June 08, 2008

In Utah...

If you've been wondering where I've been... the answer is UTAH! I've been visiting friends and family. I'll be headed to Pennsylvania in another week and then hopefully I'll be back to my regular blogging.


  1. ah! Did I miss you already? Why did I think you were coming at the end of June!? :(

  2. Pennsylvania rocks! Sorry for the drop in Jenny couldn't resist.

  3. Jenny - I didn't know that you had a blog! I found you on Michelle (Turners) blog. It is fun to see how your family has been, and your boys are so sweet! Where is your hubby going to med school? Has he picked a specialty yet? Take care! Oh, and you are still as skinny as ever! I wish I was that lucky - especially after having two children.

  4. Are you back yet? I miss you!!

  5. Holy Cow this is a long trip!
    J/K- I know stuff happens in life and it can be hard to blog. I haven't done it in almost a month. Just wanted to say hi, and I hope you are doing great:)
