Friday, August 01, 2008

The Cake

My fabulous sister-in-law, Kristine, had a baby shower while I was in Utah. So I helped my mother-in-law with the food and such. And because every party needs a cake or more like I've been dying for an excuse to make this cake, I made this little pregnant belly cake. Ok it wasn't really little, but it was sure cute. All I can say is picking up a piece of fondent that huge all by yourself is really freaking hard. I spent a lot of time making and preparing to make this cake, so I sure hope she liked it as much as I did. lol.


  1. freaking fantastic! seriously, you rocked this!

  2. I'd love to eat those boobies!

  3. I was wondering how you did that one piece of fondant. That is pretty cool. It turned out better than I imagined :)

  4. Anonymous9:22 AM

    That be some SWEET SWEET SWEET leches!
