Monday, January 05, 2009

Time Out!

A few weeks ago Tab was being a pain while I was making dinner and I yelled at him to knock off whatever it was that he was doing. I turned around because Benton had started crying when I yelled. Apparently he thought I was yelling at him because he started crying and went and stood in the corner. I think he has seen his brother get in trouble a few too many times. lol.


  1. Too funny. Little Benny is just too sensitive. It's so cute though.

  2. Anonymous10:18 AM

    how cute! My 3yo did that once when I was fussing at the older two. And he stayed there too even though I told him he wasn't in trouble.

  3. Yeah. My girls tend to really get upset when my hubby gets mad at them. They both freak out and cry saying "Mommy, Daddy's mad!!!" I should definitely try the corner thing sometime and see if it works better than my method (time out in their bed).

  4. too cute! Isn't it fun to see what these little ones learn from their siblings?
