Wednesday, August 26, 2009

You Don't say...

Someone in my house is obsessed with pirates. I don't think that I need to name names. I believe we have already had several posts about this matter. And as you may know, I have been doing quite a bit of crocheting lately. While I was crocheting the baby legs, Tab has been begging me to crochet him a sword. I tried telling him that he would be sad with a crocheted sword as it would be pretty pathetic and flimsy. So I decided to try my hand at crocheting him a pirate. I scoured the web for a free pattern but could only find one on Etsy. I decided that I couldn't afford the cheap pattern because I could totally figure it out myself. So I gathered the yarn that my mom gave me when I was visiting in May and set to it. I absolutely refuse to link you to the inspiration as mine looks nothing like it and is completely horrible by comparison.

Now, here he is. Tab has named him Captain Slobs, which is what he calls himself.
A little closer up. (I should have used a single crochet as my base stitch, alas)I love how the eye patch lifts up.
Mostly, I am just really proud of it, egg shaped head and all, because of this.I couldn't get him to hold still for a picture because he was swinging it around and hugging it. He has been carrying it everywhere with him since I gave it to him this afternoon. We were walking to the park and he slung him over his back and wrapped the guy's arms around his neck as he was walking. I wish that I would have had my camera with me.


  1. hi-larious and fabulous handiwork, jenny!

  2. Awesome! I love it!

  3. i love it! as you know, we lovvve pirates also. check out for the cutest pirate gear this dying over it all!

  4. Yup, you're still a genius! Looks great! It definitely makes it all worth it when your child loves it to death!

  5. I'm way impressed. The eye patch is my favorite part.

  6. Jenny you amaze me. Your a wonderful mom and that will be something Tab will always remember.

  7. Stop it. Stop making me look like an talentless fool.
    (That was the edited version, though I know you would have appreciated what really came to my mind)
