Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sriracha Anyone!?!

bBenton is a very odd child. He likes spicy foods, very strong mints and Sriracha. We learned this when we tried using it as a punishment for the boys when they were playing at bedtime. Tab freaked out and Benton asked for more.

So I came into the kitchen/dining room and found this. He had gotten into the fridge and got out my bottle of sriracha. He climbed up into his highchair took the lid off and was drinking it. After a few good glugs he did freak a little and then wanted a drink. You would think that was the end of it, but he freaked when I tried to put it away.


  1. Nasty! What a funny thing for such a little guy to love

  2. What a crazy. I can't even imagine. Does he not have nerves in his mouth?

  3. Oh my gosh!! I remember your brother Matt drinking a bottle of tabasco when he was about 3!!

  4. I was just about to mention the same thing Mom did!
