Sunday, February 28, 2010

Skinny Minny

Just can't get enough of this skinny minny. (Gotta love the permanently orange nose too.) She is nearing 9 months and weighs in at a whopping 13 lbs. 6 oz. thus the nickname Skinny MinnyAlways drooling...
She loves when we break out the camera.
And we oblige by taking a million pictures.
Also I just love that stinking skirt.


  1. omgoodness! 13 lbs! kellan is at 22 lbs! granted kell was a whopping 9 lbs 7 oz at birth:) she is toooo cute. i love watching them grow up and seeing their little personalities:)

  2. Nathan5:58 PM

    She looks like Jason, poor girl. Hopefully for your sanity she doesn't act like him too. I love her big blue yes. She is so beautiful.

  3. She is so tiny. Appropriate nickname for her.
