Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Look Out World

Baby Crellin #4 is on it's way. Yep you heard me right, I'm knocked up. Due Oct. 22nd. And yeah, yeah , yeah, make all the wise cracks you want about us not being able to move without being pregnant. But for the record I have never once moved while being pregnant, SO THERE. I have simply had a newborn twice while moving.


  1. Natebate11:49 AM

    So I talk to Jason yesterday, and I find out by the blog today.... Thanks Jason I feel the love. Congrats you two, hopefully I'll be able to meet Pais soon, and the little one that's on the way. Jenna, Elly, and I love you guys out there, and can't wait to see you again

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!! That is great news.

  3. Horray for baby Crellin #4. You guys make cute kids and I'm sure #4 will be just as cute. Can't wait to see you in a month!

  4. Awesome. I'm so excited to hear your news! I know what you mean...this will be our 3rd time moving with a newborn. We're really good planners, aren't we?!

  5. Ah, you Solters.
    And congrats on the baby and the house and not being able to do the heavy lifting. Isn't that why the first 2 were boys?

  6. Contests! I love when others join me in the 4 kids club. I'm excited for you guys.

  7. I am so stinkin' excited for you guys! I wish you were sticking around so I could meet this little one!

  8. congrats!!! I too am pregnant with number 4, but due at the end of Sept. Watch out for those october babies, they are trouble! I have one of my own. =)

  9. Yay! Congrats Crellins!

  10. Jenny, If it makes you feel any better, all of my pregnancies I will have moved right at the end and that includes this one. Yay for being knocked up.

  11. Congrats again Jenny!!!! We are so excited for you all.

  12. Super news!!! I hope you're feeling great!
