Friday, February 24, 2012

More Random Hobbes Pictures

Tab is such a good big brother. When Hobbes was first born he begged and pleaded to be allowed to feed him. He was quite happy when we finally got around to trying to give him a bottle. He took it quite well. He does not now as we went two months in between trying...sigh.Again, Tab being a good big brother, helping me give Hobbes a bath.My handsome man, NOT relaxing in his cradle. He now takes all of his naps in this cradle that lives in the Family Room as he won't nap in his bed because it is too quiet. He is just too used to all the noise to be able to sleep when we put him upstairs away from everything. By the way, my ever skillful dad made this cradle for him.
As this time around we couldn't find a reasonably priced photographer and didn't want crappy JCPenny's pictures, we tried our hand at taking our own. They were mostly awful but we got a few that were better than bad so....This was him saying "Fat Chance" to us trying to get him to lay in a certain position. He was having none of it.

1 comment:

  1. Margie7:18 PM

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures! Puts a smile on Granma and Grandpa in the Blue shirts face!
