Wednesday, March 07, 2012

New Year's!

We really didn't do anything special for New Year's! We must be getting old and lame because we didn't stay up till midnight. Actually I'm pretty sure we were in bed by 10. But we did take the kids out to the Peeps Fest. Just Born candy company (which makes Peeps) is nearby and they held an event. It was quite fun for the kids. There was a magic show and a bounce house and all sorts of stuff.

The kids really enjoyed making Peeps S'mores.Paisley couldn't be bothered to feed herself because she didn't want to get her hands messy.The boys on the other hand had no problem with getting messy.Every now and again we like to change it up, and Jason takes pictures to prove that I actually exist.They had a crazy guy there making balloons. And when I say a crazy guy I'm only half kidding.Benton and Tab both requested swords.
Paisley requested a pink mermaid. She couldn't have been more pleased with the result. She kept that thing for weeks. She didn't want to get rid of it even when it had lost all of the air and all that remained was an empty, wilted, twisted up balloon. It had to "disappear" while she was taking a nap one day.
The boys thought this was pretty cool.
The event was held at the Bethlehem Steel Stacks. It looks kinda gross but it is in actually a pretty nice place with the old Steel Stacks kind of set in the background. It was a nice day out with the family.

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