Thursday, July 05, 2012

First Grade Fun Run

Tab's school had a Fun Run type of event for all of the kids.  We of course went to support Tab.

Here they are all, lined up.
 And they're off.
 Almost there buddy.
 Ahh,  he did get something from me... he sticks his tongue out when he is running hard. (In high school my coaches always got after me for it, especially when I was pole vaulting.  They were always worried that I was going to bite my tongue off.)
 So Proud!
He is the funniest kid.  He doesn't really have a competitive bone in his body.  It absolutely kills Jason and I to watch him participate in sports.  We have to remember that it is just important that he is participating.  So, that being said,  He would be running along and would pass someone that he would quickly slow down so that person would catch back up to him and he would strike up a conversation and then he would speed off to the next kid and do the same thing, THE ENTIRE RACE.  He didn't even know the kids that he was stopping to talk to.  Even with all of the crazy stuff he finished in about 6 minutes, not bad for 3/4 of a mile.  About 5 minutes after the race was finished, they had an un-timed run, where parents were welcomed to run with their kids, so Jason and I ran with Tab.  Still ever the space cadet, he kept up a pretty good pace for having already just run 3/4 of a mile.  It gives me hope that I may have a running partner some day soon.  (Really my pipe dream is to get all of my kids to the point where we can run 5k's together as a family.)

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