Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kid Randoms

I regularly end up with a bunch of pictures that I love but aren't really post worthy in and of themselves, so this is the post where I share all of the randomness.

Tab set up a great tea party for Paisley, Benton and himself to share.  I thought he did a very good job.

One morning Paisley got up, ate breakfast and went in her room to get dressed.  It was a little too quiet so I went in to check on her.  I found her sleeping on her floor.  She had put some socks on but that was all of the progress that she made before falling asleep.
As many of you know Paisley is a bit obsessed with all things girl.  One afternoon she decided that she needed to go through all of the dress up clothes and take inventory of her girly dress up.  She laid out each of her princess dresses and ballet costumes then was lining up her shoes.


  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    like to fuck her.

  2. Anonymous8:07 PM

    me too, nice tight toddler pussy

  3. Anonymous8:52 PM

    but I want her lovely tight ass first then I enjoy that cunie all night

  4. Anonymous7:44 PM

    lets fuckher together
