Thursday, April 08, 2010


Sorry, this is late as usual. My card reader on my computer doesn't work and I'm kinda too attached to my computer to let go of it long enough to get it fixed. Jason's parents kindly got us a card reader but as luck would have it, it seems that the slot to read the card for my camera doesn't work. Freaking LAME. Anyway so it takes me effort to get pictures off of my memory card to blog. So please forgive me.

I will start by telling you, there are no pictures of the kids in their Easter Outfits. As life would have it, rather than taking pictures after church with the kids in their Easter outfits as planned, we spent the afternoon in the Emergency Room with Tab, which is another post for another day. I'll try to get pictures of them next Sunday.

The neighborhood we live in held a little Easter egg hunt. The boys had a blast. Paisley, well, she enjoyed playing with her one plastic egg and her bucket.
Sorry about the blur, you can't control what you get when some random person takes the picture for you.We, meaning mostly Jason, enjoyed dying eggs with the boys. To be honest, this is the first year that we actually got around to dying the eggs before Easter. Wahoo!
We bought a "marbling" kit which was a mistake because you have to swirl the egg in the dye. That was just asking for trouble. But the boys enjoyed it and we just did our best to regulate.Jason's family has a tradition that the Easter Bunny leaves a trail of Jelly Beans to where their Easter Baskets are hidden, so we have continued the tradition. Jason decided to be the goober that he is and pretend like they were rabbit droppings. Lucky for me I had the camera already in my hand!The boys thought that that was rockin'!They were ecstatic about the water guns. Can you tell that they already have a mouthful of jelly beans.Unfortunately our hunt had to be inside as it had rained all night.But they didn't care.
Tab was very proud to have found the last egg.


  1. The ER?? Please don't leave us hanging on that one!

  2. Tab found the last egg? Good job! As I recall, when we were kids, we never found the last least one always remained hidden
