Friday, April 09, 2010

Emergency Room Visit

It has now been nearly two weeks since Tab's little visit to the ER. Sigh....

To make a fairly short story even shorter: We were at church and for one reason or another a little girl in Tab's class had a pair of scissors and somehow ended up cutting his lip open with them. Joy of joys. Tab was a real sport. He wasn't even crying when I went out to learn of what had happened. We looked at his lip and we weren't sure if he needed stitches or not. The cut itself wasn't too bad. An ER doc in our ward came out and looked at it and said that it did indeed need stitches as the cut crossed the from the pink part of his lip over the ridge into the "flesh colored" part. Apparently, when you cross that ridge, it doesn't heal up too pretty without stitches. So we headed to the ER.

We didn't have our camera with us, so Jason took a few pictures with his iphone. Lucky for you the blood had stopped by this point.
Tab tried so hard to be a big boy but it is hard when someone approaches your face with a needle. Between Jason and the nurse (I was holding Pais) they were able to hold him down. I was worried they would have to strap him down (I was remember the last time he needed to get immunizations) which would have been even more traumatic for him. Anyway, one stitch later we were on our way home. Lucky for us, we didn't have to pay an ER copay since Jason is a student there!

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  1. Poor guy! Who is the psycho with the scissors? Lucky it didn't get an eye. Isn't it nice to have so many docs around to get medical advice?

  2. Yikes! Scissors to the face is one thing I have never worried about at church. Glad it was just one stitch.

  3. oh, the joy of raising boys! that girl needs a serious talking to! =) Glad all went well and he acted like a man!

  4. Wow...I think I am glad that I missed that Sunday... I hope it heals up well and that there are no further incidents...

  5. I knew I liked boys better.
