Friday, December 05, 2008


I know this is late, but I've been kind of crazy busy as of late.

We shared our Thanksgiving with our good friends, the Guymon's, who also stayed in town. Sarah and I made dinner together. It was a ton of fun. It was nice that the lived one street over and that we could use both of our ovens!

Here we are with our Yummy Turkey!And of course a quick picture of the spread. (I'll be posting some of the recipes on Recipe for Disaster shortly.
The kids enjoying their food!
Jason was feeling like his "usual" self. It originally said, "Give Thanks".
Just us.
And of course the pies: Lemon Meringue, Apple, Blueberry, Chocolate Mousse and Pumpkin. (We didn't make the apple, pumpkin or blueberry...another friend brought those).
And a picture of the yummy Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake that we made but forgot to take out right at first.


Rachel said...

Wow! That looks delicious! What happened to Jason's hand??

Jenny said...

He had surgery to have a ganglion cyst removed. No biggie, it just kinda made his hand useless for a bit.

Sarah said...

Yum. I want all of that food all over again.

Sarah said...

I meant to say this earlier, but yes, we should do it again next year. Definitely.

Katherine said...

caramel pumpkin cheesecake? Oh wow. That sounds good. Please post that on your recipe blog!!