Poor little Benton was forced to spend much of the time in his highchair that was strapped to the picnic table.

Tab carried a bundle of about 5 or so sticks around most of the night. When Jason was packing up, Tab tried to snead them all into the bed of the truck. He was upset that we made him pick just 1 stick to bring home. He had a hard time with this, I mean every stick is SOOOO different. He was deterred from sticks for just long enough to play with the marshmallow roasters.
Which of course means that he enjoyed himself a few smores. Speaking of smores, I learned the most brilliant smore making technique that day. It is genious. I just don't know why I didn't think of it before. Instead of using a plain chocolate bar, use a Reeces cup. Holy yum batman.
The most important event of the evening consisted of Jason burning his anatomy scrubs. There is a long story behind why they are bright pink. I will leave that for him to defend his manhood. And don't let him get off by telling you real men wear pink.
There they are burning away. Jason is thrilled to be done with anatomy.
MMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! S'mores are one of my favorites. And yay for being done with Anatomy
Wow - Benton and Tab both look totally different with different haircuts....they did get haircuts, right? Cute boys.
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