Ecstatic that he got a plate of spinach he started shoving the rest in his mouth.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Yummy Spinach
Last week I made a yummy soup for dinner. Tab was not in the mood for soup and so he decided to gag on every bite that we made him take complaining that it was gross. Jason and I were having some spinach salad on the side and Tab loves spinach, so we told him that he could have a plate of spinach when he was finished with his soup. At that point he at least willing gagged on each bite of soup. He then received what he thought was the grand prize. Jason took out the camera to document his silliness... I mean what 3 year old LOVES spinach?
It turns out it was lucky he grabbed the camera because we were then able to get this series of pictures.
Ecstatic that he got a plate of spinach he started shoving the rest in his mouth.
He then realized that he had put a bit much in his mouth at once.
Oh yeah, it was way too much.
All of this time Jason was taking pictures and what was I doing... laughing hysterically of course. Don't worry. I decided to be a nice mom and shoved the plate under his mouth right before it all came out. (Jason is making me post this picture so the grossness is his fault.)
He decided that he didn't like spinach for a few days after that.
Ecstatic that he got a plate of spinach he started shoving the rest in his mouth.
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that is sick!
Eww. Jason, really? Come on.
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