A few weeks ago we went camping up American Fork Canyon. It was a little cold but absolutely beautiful! We just love camping, and having a little guy couldn't keep us from it. We went from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning. After the first night we were about ready to throw in the towel, as Tab allowed us to get less than adequate amounts of sleep. But we finally figured out how to get him to nap without his crib to keep him contained. Behold the most beautiful invention known for campers with small children... The Kelty Backpack Carrier
Not only did it save our sanity but saved our camping trip! We were able to get him to take half decent naps, if we just strapped him on and went for a little walk! He did grow quite sick of bein in it though as he had to be in it whenever he wasn't being held because as you can tell we were quite near the water. Can anyone guess by the picture what we used to bribe him with?

It would be red vines. What other candy do you take camping...?
One word - Woohoo!
That was such a great idea to get him to nap!!! He is so cute!
What a doll! I love the pic of him in the backpack.
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