...stiches, broken limbs and the like that is. Today Tab got his first set of stitches. He was running around at the sitter's house and fell as usual. But this time instead of his head finding a flat wall or floor it found the corner of a chest that she uses somewhat like a coffee table. So She called me several times but I couldn't hear my cell phone ringing...(did I ever mention that I think I having hearing loss). So she called Jason and he immediately drove home and picked up his bike with the kid seat on the back to go pick him up...since I had the carseat in my car and was still not hearing my phone ring. I finally heard my phone and ran home, feeling like a terrible mom for not answering my phone. Anyway, we took him to Dr. Taylor (Tab's new doctor who we love). Tab was such a good sport letting the nurse scrub his cut and hold a pad with a numbing gel on it. It wasn't until he was put on the board which he was strapped to in a mummy sort of way that he FREAKED out. Once he was able to get out of that and back into mommy's arms he started to calm down, although there was still quite a bit of whimpering with intermitant sobs. However, once the nurse showed him the jar of lolipops he was all smiles! There was not another whimper. That's the Solter in him. We can always be bribed with candy. Here is my brave little boy, two stitches later!

Such a cute little man. What a trooper.
i have stitches... about 6... in my gums... want details?
Tab's adorable. Even with a mutilated forehead that may make it difficult for him to get chicks later in life...
I love how content he looks with his sucker!
I believe Adam has about the same scar except it's on his right eyebrow.
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