I had to put the entire title in quotes because well, I use the term craft room loosely. I wish it was really just my craft room. And Makeover is also included in the quotes because I didn't spend a dime on it. I suppose I should have said reorganization. I really should have taken some before pictures. It was awful. Everything was spilling from shelves and drawers. I could never find anything when I needed it, so I would go digging perpetuating the spilling drawers problem.
It may not look like much, but I am proud of it. I would have loved to purchase the perfect containers and storage and such, but free was all that was in the budget. So, old shoe boxes had to do. I started by pulling every last crafty type thing I own from where it was and started piles on the floor. I should have taken a picture of this to. Good thing Jason didn't see all of it on the floor, he may have made me get rid of a lot. And it all ended like this!
The one set of shelves I have dedicated to my crafty endeavors.

Every box and tin was labeled, that way I know where things are/go, and on more often than you would think occasion Jason goes ransacking my stuff looking for something for a project he is working on, he doesn't destroy my organization.

My crafting table. I just have to point out that my sewing machine has the cover on it for the 1st time since I've owned the thing. (And probably the last time.)

The majority of my scrapbooking stuff. (Notice my other "craft" table folded up under the futon. Yeah, sometimes I have so many projects going that it takes over both tables and my computer desk. *blush*)

Ok, here come the shelves. All of my patterns/unfinished projects/things that need mending.

All of my crocheting/knitting/needlework "stuff"

All of my ribbon/thread. Jason is considering trying to make me something to store these better. Maybe for my birthday...hint hint.

All of my acrylic paint/related stuff

And finally, the random crap drawer. My goal is to not let this drawer get overgrown. Wish me luck.

Like I said, it may not look all too impressive, especially compared to the amazing craft rooms a lot of people have, but I'm proud. It took a lot of time and work.
Yay for craft organization!! It looks a TON better than all my stuff...it's pretty much in random boxes and places without rhyme or reason. Good for you!
too bad I couldn't have "helped" organize some of the things into the bin that I have cleverly labeled "trash."
J/K. The area looks great... and what was that about making you something for your spools?
Awesome and inspirational. It would be wonderful to be able to find things right when you want them :) You may have just given me purpose to my day!
Wow. What a craft room. Seriously, what a CRAFT room!
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