Tab turned 3 on Sunday! I can't believe I have a three year old. I seriously don't think that I am old enough for this. What ever happened to the past three years? What happened to this tiny thing? Sigh...

On Saturday we had a birthday party for Tab. A bunch of his friends came over. It was supposed to be an outside running in the sprinklers/water type party, but it poured all morning and didn't warm up enough for that type of thing. So last minute we came up with some other fun games. We did pudding finger painting. It started out with a lot of little fingers cautiously poking the pudding and then being licked.

I think they were a little nervous about being allowed to use their fingers and make messes.

This one is my favorite. Isn't he just adorable?

And then Tab did this!

Leave it to my kid to get the party started. He ain't shy about making a mess.

Miss Q caught on pretty quick too.

I think, this cutie did the most fingerpainting out of the bunch. According to her parents this is a typical eating session in their home, so I'm sure they really "appreciated" the encouragement.

I think that Tab had a pretty good time.

But really, I don't know why I bothered planning any games...they really just wanted to splash in the mud puddles and poke around at them with sticks.

Finally it was time for the cake. I made Tab some cute cowboy boots for his cake. Didn't they turn out so cute?

He seemed pretty pleased with it.

He liked blowing out the candles. At least this year he didn't try to put his lips to the candle when he blew them out. I guess he has matured a little bit in the past year.

And then he of course got to open presents. He got a lot of new trucks to play with. He was thrilled! Thanks to everyone who came!
Miss Q had a great time! Happy Birthday Tab.
The cake was really cute--good job on that. Thanks for letting us trash your house.
Happy Birthday Tab! I was sad that this was the first birthday we missed of yours. But I will see you soon.
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