Our Halloween festivities began a few days before the big scary day with pumpkin carving. Benny was freaked out and WOULD NOT stick his hand into the "kucky" pumpkin to clean it out.
Jenny and the "Cheesers" going to town on Mr. Pumpkinhead.
The finished products and their proud sculptors.
Next on our Halloween activities list was the ward Halloween party. Here are the kids in the costumes that Jenny made for them. Tab was a pirate, Benton was a prince, and Paisley was decked out in bats and foofies.
Ladies and gentlemen... In the flesh... Captain Slobs!
And, next up the handsome prince:
And last but never least, the little miss:
The ward halloween party was a great time. The kids loved the candy almost as much as mommy and daddy. Poor Paisley fell asleep while awaiting her second-hand sugar rush.
The highlight of the night for Jenny was that the boys won the "Best couple" award for their costumes that Jenny had made. That woman is talented... The boys spent the remainder of the evening playing with their prize beach balls.
On halloween day we "broke on through to the other side" of Michigan to spend Halloween day with the Guymons. It was awesome to hang out with them and catch up. While there, we visited an orchard that had an outdoor playground of sorts. The kids loved playing in the wooden train.
Here is the conductor of the "loco"motive:
The Guymons won the "man of the mountain" competition. Burly...
Here are the Guymons tearing up the zip-line.
When they got a few minutes to themselves, Sara and Jenny returned to their normal conspiratory habits.
Way to work the camera Benton.
Jenny snuggling Miss Paisley.
More zipline action.
This was a cool goat feeder at the orchard. It is a little cup and pulley to bring food to the goat on the roof. The kiddos thought it was cool.
Here is Little Miss Bekah lounging around in the hay bale maze.
The cold finally won us over. (It was, after all, near freezing and we spent hours outside.) Benny was one of the first to throw in the towel and ask to be inside Daddy's down vest.
Next, we warmed up with some hot chocolate, ran home, ate some food, and hit the frigid outdoors again for some trick or treating. Here is Benny showing off his evening's spoils. (I see a few things in there that were mine shortly after he went to sleep! Thank you Benny!)
Also, a HUGE thanks to the Guymons for their hospitality. It is always awesome to hang out with them. We miss having them just around the corner and will always be able to find room for them nearby if they are willing.
This post, if you didn't guess, was published by Jason. Please stay tuned for your "normal" programming...
SWEET! thanks for the up-date!
you made our night!
Did I mention You have a very cute family!
Love You
Thank you for the post. I finally got my fix. I have been sitting watching my computer all day. Waiting, watching and hoping.
I doesn't surprise me that Jenny's costumes won first prize. You designed them to perfectly fit their personality. They sure played their parts well!
Fun stuff.
Love Gandpa Crellin
That was fun to see some things through Jason's eyes. What a lovely weekend it was. I love the hair on Tab's chest. So awesome.
Thanks for the update Jason. This blog stuff makes living far away from the grandkids tollerable.
I'm so glad you found my blog! Your kids are too cute, and you did an amazing job on those costumes.
I love this post, especially the pics! I was imagining us there with you all.
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