1 cart with about a month's worth of groceries ~$230
Making it to the checkout line with 3 kids and not a single tantrum- Priceless
This is how I survive. I plan ahead. I go first thing in the morning after breakfast or immediately after naps. No tired and cranky fits.
I start out by getting one of those annoying to drive Tanks of a cart. I buckle all 3 kids in. (Just in case you are wondering, you can put duct tape around the buckle so your five year old can't undo it. I'm just sayin'...)
I bring a bag with books and one toy for each of the boys and attach it the the handle in front of them. I bring an assortment of toys for Pais, but only ones that can attach to the cart handle. I don't want to be picking up toys the entire time.
There Jason, I hope this satisfies your need for pictures.
Super mom! As annoying as they are, those Meijer carts are lifesavers!!! Once upon a time, I liked shopping. Then I had kids...
Great post! I remember the days when Steve was on the east coast and I was on the west coast for 6 months. He was home on weekends...
Friday night midnight and leaving Sunday afternoon long enough for laundry! They didn't have ways to lock kids up then! Great job!
Half way.. Keep plugging! Love You
That is genius Jenny! Usually I have 2 grouchy boys to deal with when grocery shopping a 3 1/2 year old and a 32 year old :) I need to bring entertainment for both of them. Miss you guys tons!
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