While in Utah, we met up with the fam at a Salt Lake Bees game. It was a blast. I think the best part was not the game but the free brauts that we got because one of the vendors was closing down for the night so he gave us the rest of what was on the grill. The game was fun too though even though they lost terribly as I recall.
I think that Tab is sick of me taking pictures. Half of the pictures I have of the kid as of late are of him with a cheeser grin with his eyes looking at whatever else is more interresting. Which honestly at this point could be grass.

Benton spent quite a bit of time just hanging with Erikka. He had a definite fondness for her.

Don't worry, Matt made sure to steal his fair share of snuggles too.

Tab decided that he wanted to go home with Matt. He was much more fun than me.

At one point Erikka took Tab over to the little park they have in the stadium. She was nice enough to snap a few pictures for me.

Now that's my boy. Way to sharpen those climbing skills, you're going to need them here is Missouri ... oh wait, nevermind, there's no stinking mountains here. Pout Pout. And afterall, I guess he does look a little more terrified than in control.

As the majority of you know, Tab is obsessed (and obsessed is an understatement) with trains. Well, it just so happened that they had a little train that drove back and forth behind the outfield. Tab waited not so patiently until I agreed to take him over to ride the train. Benton wasn't really into the whole conductor hat thing.

And of course we had to have our picture taken with the mascot. Tab was so excited. He kept seeing him all night and he finally came to where we were. He thought he was the guy from Bee Movie. I couldn't break his heart my telling him otherwise.

And lest you think Bekah, Clint, and Cam weren't there...
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