There's not much better than a family game of backyard T-ball. Tab is getting pretty good.

Though he doesn't quite get the idea of a base. Everything to him is a home run!

Jason had a lot of run chasing them around with the ball.

Tab was going in to tag Benton.

I think we forgot to mention that T-ball isn't exactly a full contact sport.

Jason, Paisley and I participated as well, but as I was the one taking pictures...well, you know how it goes...
Your yard looks awesome. That picture of P is so cute. It would be funny to post one of you right next to her.
You need to ask Jason his secret to being a good little league pitcher but hope he doesn't teach his boys. I can say no more...
It looks like you are very happy in your new home town.
Love you guys Grandpa Crellin
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