Our local library has a great summer program full of story times and activities. Last week we attended a "Craft and Create" activity. They gave the kids each a little plastic apron and then we went around from table to table doing various craft activities. At the first table the boys strung these bead necklaces.

Then they painted some super cute pictures.

They also had clay and a hodgepodge of various papers and odds and ends that they made collages out of. It was great activity to get us out of the house.
How fun! And yep that sure is Whitney standing! She takes steps too, but still not walking all the way. She just turned 1, can you believe that!? How is Paisley?
thank goodness for the library and their fun activities, right? That picture of Tab is adorable but the way the girl is behind him I had to do a second take because it kind of looks like Tab has a little side pony tail of hair. LOL.
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